Protocol Monitor Transmit List
Since firmware version 2.2, the CANtouch has the option of sending sequences in addition to simple or cyclic telegrams. Sequences are a series of several CAN messages with defined waiting times between the messages. Sequences can also be repeated cyclically.
The XML file “cantouch. document. app. canmonitor. transmit. xml” used for this function can be edited on the PC.
Any text editor can be used for editing the file, but an editor with “code highlighter” is recommended. One possibility is the free program notepad++.
Please refer to this PDF file for possible settings.
An editing of the transmit list and thus this file is also possible directly in the CANtouch.
Importing and exporting the file in the CANvision Protocol Monitor opens up simplified editing options. The function can be tested in CANvision’s trial mode, whereby editing and exporting do not have to take place during the trial period, but remain activated without time limit.