Detection of short circuits in the CAN bus – Error patterns
The robustness of the CAN bus also based on its tolerance to occurring short circuits. In the following, we summarize the possibilities and show how the CANtouch detects these errors.
Vcc: Supply voltage of the CAN transceiver
I) Bus Status: valid CAN messages available
II) Bus Status: statically recessive
III) finds errors when supply voltages are measured too
IV) Measurement not possible without communication
V) depends on the CAN transceiver type, some types can still communicate with this error
VI) depending on the voltage level and the duration of the error (overheating of the CAN transceiver)
VII) Error in differential signal not detectable
VIII) A wiring test with connected participants remains not recommended. It provides undefined errors whose statements are difficult to judge. The displayed results depend strongly on the internal wiring of the participants.