Exch­an­ge ser­vice for Fieldbus dia­gno­stic devices

Inde­ed the­re are only a few repairs neces­sa­ry on our devices. The most influence on that fact has our careful deve­lo­pers. Con­tra­ry to some other manu­fac­tu­r­ers GEMAC app­re­cia­tes on pro­tec­tion against outer influen­ces. On open inputs, the­re are effortful pro­tec­ti­ve cir­cuits, which dis­si­pa­te ener­gy on the cal­cu­la­ted man­ner and the­r­e­fo­re effec­ti­ve pro­tect the fol­lo­wing elec­tro­nics. The good exami­na­ti­on per­for­mance at test­ing insti­tu­tes tell us, this is worth the effort. Not only our big mea­su­ring devices are exten­si­ve­ly cer­ti­fi­ca­ted, also the small CANalarm has to show how to do it and stand the pro­of in exten­si­ve tests. You will find more infor­ma­ti­on about that in the respec­ti­ve manual.

Despi­te all the care taken some­ti­mes some­thing fails and breaks, which is annoy­ing, but hap­pens. Within the first two years after purcha­sing we check, if the pro­blem falls into war­ran­ty or not. In case of war­ran­ty, the ser­vice is, of cour­se, free of char­ge for the customer.

If the case is no war­ran­ty, you don’t neces­s­a­ri­ly have to buy a new device. Our exch­an­ge ser­vice gets your device back into ope­ra­ti­on with a simp­le chan­ge of modules/​components. This is quick and at a reasonable pri­ce becau­se the­re is no time and money was­ting fault tra­cing and repair.

The pri­ces (plus VAT and ship­ping) for exch­an­ge ser­vice were defi­ned on 2020-03-01 as follows:

Device Fee for exch­an­ge service remark
CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 960,00 € exch­an­ge ser­vice on module/​components level
CAN­touch 1.050,00 € exch­an­ge ser­vice on module/​components level
CAN­touch bat­tery exchange 200,00 € bat­te­ries are wea­ring parts and are not cover­ed by the warranty
CAN­ob­ser­ver 400,00 € exch­an­ge ser­vice on modu­le /​com­pon­ents level
CANalarm pri­ce for a new device – 20% basi­cal­ly the­re is only an exch­an­ge for a new device

GEMAC reser­ves the right to reject the exch­an­ge ser­vice in spe­cial cases. Quo­ted pri­ces are sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout noti­ce and publi­ca­ti­on. The ser­vice fee for unju­s­ti­fied com­plaint is 60,00 € plus VAT.

Ser­vice offers can­ce­led by the cus­to­mer are char­ged with a fixed rate of 130,00 € plus VAT plus ship­ping cost. If the parts are dis­po­sed of, the fixed rate incur­red plus VAT wit­hout ship­ping costs.

Exch­an­ged parts always pas­sing into the owner­ship of GEMAC. The­re is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to get this parts at extra cost.

You get a free limi­t­ed war­ran­ty of 6 months for exch­an­ged modu­les and components.

To start the pro­ce­du­re plea­se refer to our RMA form.

End of Ser­vice” for CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 – variants

Due to pro­cu­re­ment dif­fi­cul­ties with cer­tain spa­re parts, we can no lon­ger offer repairs by repla­cing com­pon­ents (as descri­bed abo­ve) for the fol­lo­wing devices. Plea­se cont­act our sup­port to get a spe­cial offer for a new device with more func­tion­a­li­ty and cur­rent software.

sales desi­gna­ti­on

GEMAC part number 
PR-22512 – 00 Balluff Device­N­et Ana­ly­zer V2
PR-22520 – 00 Sof­ting BC-200-CAN
PR-22521 – 00 Sof­ting BC-200-CAN/DN

Cali­bra­ti­on of CAN­touch and CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2

The com­pon­ents in the­se two devices are dimen­sio­ned in such a way that cali­bra­ti­on is nor­mal­ly not neces­sa­ry. Cali­bra­ti­on is not pos­si­ble with CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2. Here we offer to check the com­pli­ance with the limit values and the fault­less func­tion on your request.
In CAN­touch, this func­tion was instal­led at the request of many cus­to­mers. The instru­ment indi­ca­tes when the last cali­bra­ti­on took place and also allows real reca­li­bra­ti­on at the factory.

GEMAC part number Fee for service remark
600 – 060 220,00 € Check CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 for com­pli­ance with the limit values and func­tion test
PR-22580 – 92 88,00 € Cali­bra­ti­on of CANtouch
PR-22580 – 93 115,00 € Cali­bra­ti­on of CAN­touch and cer­ti­fi­ca­te in PDF format