GEMAC’s CAN dia­gno­stic mea­su­re­ment devices are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a uni­que mea­su­re­ment of the signal qua­li­ty. Deep insights into the ana­log con­di­ti­ons enable opti­miza­ti­on and trou­ble­shoo­ting in equal measure.

The smart and intui­ti­ve mobi­le dia­gno­stic device for phy­si­cal and logi­cal layers.

Pro­to­col ana­ly­sis tools as if made from one piece.

The cle­ver dia­gno­sis tool for logi­cal bus analysis.

The clas­sic mea­su­re­ment tool for phy­si­cal and logi­cal lay­er analysis.