Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons of Busi­ness (valid from 01.08.2017) 

§1 Scope of validity
GEMAC per­forms deli­veries and ser­vices, con­cludes con­tracts and sub­mits offers exclu­si­ve­ly on the basis of the­se Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons of Busi­ness. Devia­ti­ons are effec­ti­ve only if con­firm­ed in wri­ting by GEMAC. Our Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons of Busi­ness app­ly only to busi­ness with com­pa­nies in accordance with §310 l BGB.

§2 Offers and con­clu­si­on of contracts
Offers are valid for a peri­od of 4 weeks, unless agreed other­wi­se. All orders, accep­tances of orders, amend­ments or col­la­te­ral under­stan­dings in respect of offers or pro­duct spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons are to be exe­cu­ted in wri­ting and requi­re the writ­ten con­fir­ma­ti­on of GEMAC. Advan­ce pay­ments, or else a depo­sit and inst­al­ment pay­ments in case of design ser­vices, are deman­ded from new cus­to­mers. In the case of frame­work orders, bin­ding call-up dates and deli­very quan­ti­ties are agreed with GEMAC upon gran­ting of the order or else GEMAC reta­ins the right to set dead­lines to be obser­ved by the cus­to­mer in its order confirmation.

§3 Pro­duc­tion and design documents
The cus­to­mer is respon­si­ble for the accu­ra­cy and com­ple­ten­ess of the details con­tai­ned in his parts lists and manu­fac­tu­ring docu­ments and in the pro­duct spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on per­tai­ning to a con­cluded con­tract, and bears all cos­ts for dama­ge, chan­ges due to miss­ing or incor­rect details and/​or chan­ges at a later date. GEMAC expects the cus­to­mer to sup­p­ly parts lists in machi­ne-rea­da­ble form alre­a­dy in the offer pha­se (see sup­ple­ment Modu­le Pro­duc­tion). If lists are not pro­vi­ded in machi­ne-rea­da­ble form, the cos­ts for parts list pre­pa­ra­ti­on are char­ged to the customer.

§4 Pack­ing units, pro­vi­ded materials
We reser­ve the right to app­ly surchar­ges should it be neces­sa­ry to break into stan­dard pack­ing units, and the cus­to­mer is requi­red to take over at his own expen­se any remai­ning quan­ti­ties from pack­ing units and any excess sup­pli­es of raw cir­cuit boards occa­sio­ned by the manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess upon noti­fi­ca­ti­on to do so by GEMAC. Mate­ri­als pro­vi­ded by the cus­to­mer must be sup­pli­ed with an allo­wan­ce of 2 per cent, unless agreed other­wi­se, and will not be purcha­sed by GEMAC.

§5 Peri­od for deli­very or performance
A deli­very obli­ga­ti­on is foun­ded only upon writ­ten con­fir­ma­ti­on of an order. The lead times given in the offer app­ly, and any addi­tio­nal cos­ts and risks for expe­di­ted deli­veries are to be bor­ne by the cus­to­mer. All unfo­re­seeable cir­cum­s­tances or hin­dran­ces not attri­bu­ta­ble to GEMAC which ren­der deli­very or punc­tu­al per­for­mance impos­si­ble eit­her in part or as a who­le or which signi­fi­cant­ly affect the eco­no­mic value or the con­tents of the ser­vices taken on by GEMAC, as well as any fail­ure to deli­ver on the part of sub­sup­pli­ers, entit­le GEMAC to extend peri­ods for deli­very or per­for­mance by the dura­ti­on of the hin­drance after noti­fi­ca­ti­on of the hin­drance to the cus­to­mer, and if neces­sa­ry to with­draw from the con­tract eit­her in part or as a who­le, wit­hout this foun­ding claims for com­pen­sa­ti­on of any kind against GEMAC on the part of the cus­to­mer. If the exten­si­on exceeds 4 weeks, then the cus­to­mer is entit­led to set GEMAC a writ­ten final dead­line of at least 2 weeks tog­e­ther with noti­fi­ca­ti­on that he intends to with­draw from the con­tract upon pas­sing of this dead­line and may then with­draw from the con­tract upon futi­le expiry of this addi­tio­nal peri­od. GEMAC is entit­led to per­form reasonable par­ti­al deli­veries or ser­vices at any time. The deli­very peri­od is unders­tood ex place of deli­very plus the time for shipping.

§6 Trans­fer of risk
Risk is trans­fer­red to the cus­to­mer as soon as the ship­ment is han­ded over to the per­son per­forming the trans­port or else lea­ves the warehouse of GEMAC for pur­po­ses of ship­ment. If ship­ment is delay­ed or ren­de­red impos­si­ble by request of the cus­to­mer or for other reasons not attri­bu­ta­ble to GEMAC, risk is trans­fer­red to the cus­to­mer upon noti­fi­ca­ti­on of the rea­di­ness for shipment.

§7 Accep­tance
The cus­to­mer is not entit­led to refu­se accep­tance if any defect dimi­nis­hes the sui­ta­bi­li­ty of the deli­ver­ed pro­duct only insi­gni­fi­cant­ly and GEMAC has ack­now­led­ged its
obli­ga­ti­on to reme­dy the defect. If a deli­ver­ed pro­duct com­pri­ses seve­ral, indi­vi­du­al­ly usable units, then a defect in only one or more units does not found an entit­le­ment to refu­se accep­tance of the remai­ning units. The cus­to­mer is obli­ged to accept the ser­vices or deli­very agreed in the con­tract within 14 days, inso­far as accep­tance is not excluded by the natu­re of the ser­vices. A report is to be drawn up on the accep­tance and is to be signed by both par­ties. If accep­tance is not effec­ted within the spe­ci­fied peri­od, then the services
pro­vi­ded are dee­med accept­ed. In the case of manu­fac­tu­ring services/​products, the deli­very note with deli­very date shall apply.

§8 War­ran­ty
GEMAC gives a war­ran­ty that the pro­ducts to be sup­pli­ed are free of fabri­ca­ti­on and mate­ri­al defects. The peri­od of war­ran­ty is 24 months start­ing from the date of deli­very or from the date of manu­fac­tu­re in case of call orders. All war­ran­ty is excluded in respect of defects cau­sed by impro­per hand­ling or use or whe­re pro­ducts are no lon­ger traceable due to unaut­ho­ri­sed rela­bel­ling or the rem­oval of seri­al num­bers. In case of design ser­vices, GEMAC gives a war­ran­ty with regard to obser­van­ce of the reco­g­nis­ed engineering
stan­dards and the exer­cis­ing of due sci­en­ti­fic care, but not for actu­al attain­ment of the rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment objec­ti­ve. The cus­to­mer must inform GEMAC in wri­ting without
delay con­cer­ning any defects. Defects which can­not be detec­ted imme­dia­te­ly even through careful exami­na­ti­on are to be noti­fied wit­hout delay upon detec­tion. In case of a jus­ti­fied com­plaint regar­ding a defect, the pro­duct con­cer­ned is to be retur­ned to a desti­na­ti­on spe­ci­fied by GEMAC. In case of ack­now­led­ged defects, GEMAC will reme­dy mate­ri­al or fabri­ca­ti­on defects by way of repair or repla­ce­ment of the rele­vant parts or else revi­se the design ser­vices. If reme­dy remains unsuc­cessful within a reasonable fur­ther peri­od to be fixed in wri­ting by the cus­to­mer, then the cus­to­mer is at his own dis­cre­ti­on entit­led to demand a reduc­tion of the remu­ne­ra­ti­on or can­cel­la­ti­on of the con­tract. Fur­ther war­ran­ty claims, in par­ti­cu­lar claims for com­pen­sa­to­ry dama­ges, are excluded, unless lia­bi­li­ty is impe­ra­ti­ve due to the lack of an expli­cit­ly war­ran­ted qua­li­ty. In case of an ack­now­led­ged com­plaint con­cer­ning a defect, GEMAC will reim­bur­se the trans­port cos­ts incur­red by the cus­to­mer for the return of the pro­ducts sub­ject of the complaint.

§9 Reser­va­ti­on of title
Befo­re sett­le­ment of all dues and claims held on our part – irre­spec­ti­ve of the legal basis – against the cus­to­mer, inclu­ding all cur­rent account balan­ce claims and any claims regar­ding indem­ni­ty against lia­bi­li­ty risks assu­med at the request of the cus­to­mer, we are to be fur­nis­hed the fol­lo­wing secu­ri­ty, which we will release at our dis­cre­ti­on upon request, inso­far as the value of the secu­ri­ty exceeds our claims by more than 10 per cent. All goods sup­pli­ed by us remain our pro­per­ty. Pro­ces­sing or refa­shio­ning is always per­for­med for us as manu­fac­tu­rer or sup­pli­er, but wit­hout foun­ding obli­ga­ti­ons on our part. The cus­to­mer is entit­led to pro­cess or sell the reser­ved goods (goods in which we retain owner­ship or coow­ner­ship) in the cour­se of his nor­mal busi­ness, pro­vi­ded he is not in arre­ars with his pay­ments to us, has not sus­pen­ded his pay­ments and has not filed an
appli­ca­ti­on for the ope­ning of bank­rupt­cy or insol­ven­cy pro­cee­dings. He is not per­mit­ted to pledge the reser­ved goods, nor to assign them as secu­ri­ty or for any other purpose.
In case of con­duct vio­la­ting the con­tract on the part of the cus­to­mer, in par­ti­cu­lar in case of pay­ment arre­ars, we are entit­led to demand imme­dia­te return of the reser­ved goods, wit­hout the cus­to­mer being entit­led to any right of reten­ti­on, to obtain access to the busi­ness pre­mi­ses of the cus­to­mer, to take pos­ses­si­on of the reser­ved goods and, if appro­pria­te, to demand assign­ment of any rights of return held by the cus­to­mer against third par­ties. Asser­ti­on of our rights, in par­ti­cu­lar the reco­very or sei­zu­re of the reser­ved goods, is not
to be dee­med with­dra­wal from the con­tract, inso­far as hire-purcha­sing legis­la­ti­on is not applicable.

§10 Pri­ces and terms of payment
The decisi­ve pri­ces are tho­se spe­ci­fied in the order con­fir­ma­ti­on from GEMAC and are sub­ject to the addi­ti­on of value-added tax at the legal­ly sti­pu­la­ted rate appli­ca­ble at the time of deli­very. Addi­tio­nal deli­veries and ser­vices will be invoi­ced to the cus­to­mer sepa­ra­te­ly. If the pri­ces of the input mate­ri­als to be obtai­ned by GEMAC increase signi­fi­cant­ly bet­ween con­clu­si­on of the con­tract and deli­very, then GEMAC is entit­led to adapt the pri­ces by the amount of the increase. GEMAC will pro­vi­de pro­of of the pri­ce increase to the
cus­to­mer upon request. GEMAC reser­ves the right to imple­ment pri­ce cor­rec­tions for any fol­low-up orders. Pri­ces are to be unders­tood ex warehouse and still exclu­ding pack­ing and ship­ping cos­ts, unless agreed other­wi­se. Invoices from GEMAC are paya­ble wit­hout deduc­tions within 20 calen­dar days from the date of invoi­cing or with 2% dis­count within 7 calen­dar days from the date of invoi­cing, with spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of the invoice num­ber. Irre­spec­ti­ve of any devia­ting ins­truc­tions given by the cus­to­mer, GEMAC is entit­led to use pay­ments to first sett­le older dues. If cos­ts or inte­rest have alre­a­dy been incur­red, then GEMAC is entit­led to cre­dit the pay­ment first against the cos­ts, then against the inte­rest and
final­ly against the main cla­im. Pay­ment is only dee­med effec­ted when GEMAC is able to dis­po­se of the amount. In the case of che­ques, pay­ment is only dee­med effec­ted after the che­que has been hono­u­red. If the cus­to­mer falls into arre­ars with pay­ments, then GEMAC is from the rele­vant moment onwards entit­led to char­ge inte­rest at the rate char­ged by com­mer­cial banks for unsett­led cur­rent account lia­bi­li­ties, but at least at a rate 2% abo­ve the offi­ci­al dis­count rate of the Deut­sche Bun­des­bank. The cus­to­mer is only entit­led to assert a cla­im for off­set­ting, reten­ti­on or pri­ce reduc­tion, also in case of com­plaints con­cer­ning defects or of coun­ter­claims, if GEMAC has expli­cit­ly ack­now­led­ged this cla­im in
wri­ting or if the coun­ter­claims are final and non­ap­pealable in law. If the cus­to­mer cul­pa­b­ly fails to ful­fil his pay­ment obli­ga­ti­ons or if GEMAC gains know­ledge of circumstances
which indi­ca­te a dete­rio­ra­ti­on of the cre­dit­wort­hi­ness of the cus­to­mer com­pared to the known cir­cum­s­tances at the time of con­clu­si­on of the con­tract, then GEMAC is entit­led to decla­re all remai­ning dues paya­ble imme­dia­te­ly, even if GEMAC has pre­vious­ly accept­ed che­ques. GEMAC is in this case fur­ther­mo­re entit­led to demand advan­ce pay­ments or security.

§11 Limi­ta­ti­on and exclu­si­on of liability
Claims for dama­ges ari­sing from delay, from impos­si­bi­li­ty of per­for­mance, from posi­ti­ve breach of an obli­ga­ti­on, from negli­gence in con­trac­ting, from tort or on any other legal grounds are excluded both against GEMAC and against its vica­rious agents, except in case of wilful intent or gross negli­gence. In the case of cir­cuit boards and modu­les for which the order does not cover elec­tri­cal or func­tion test­ing, GEMAC pro­vi­des a war­ran­ty only in respect of the pro­ces­sing tech­no­lo­gy, not in respect of the func­tion. Mate­ri­als pro­vi­ded by the cus­to­mer are excluded from all war­ran­ties. The cus­to­mer bears the full risk in respect of the spe­cial pro­cu­re­ment of com­pon­ents on his behalf. Illus­tra­ti­ons, dimen­si­ons, descrip­ti­ons, tech­ni­cal details and spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons of pack­ing units con­tai­ned in the cor­re­spon­ding cata­lo­gues and other publi­ca­ti­ons are not bin­ding. GEMAC express­ly reserves
the right to imple­ment modi­fi­ca­ti­ons wit­hout pri­or notice.

§12 Appli­ca­ble law, juris­dic­tion, severa­bi­li­ty, mis­cel­la­neous stipulations
The legal rela­ti­onship bet­ween the par­ties is gover­ned exclu­si­ve­ly by the law of the Fede­ral Repu­blic of Ger­ma­ny. The appli­ca­bi­li­ty of com­mon legis­la­ti­on on inter­na­tio­nal sales of mova­ble goods and on the con­clu­si­on of inter­na­tio­nal purcha­se con­tracts per­tai­ning to mova­ble goods, as well as UN trade law, is excluded. The place of juris­dic­tion for all dis­pu­tes ari­sing direct­ly or indi­rect­ly from the con­tract, inclu­ding action per­tai­ning to che­ques or bills of exch­an­ge, is Chem­nitz. If any sti­pu­la­ti­on in the­se Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons of
Busi­ness or any sti­pu­la­ti­on within the frame­work of other agree­ments is shown to be or beco­me inef­fec­ti­ve, then this does not affect the effec­ti­ve­ness of all other sti­pu­la­ti­ons or agreements.

GEMAC Chem­nitz GmbH
Zwi­ckau­er Str. 227, 09116 Chem­nitz, Germany
Pho­ne: +49 371 3377 – 0, Fax: +49 371 3377272