The pos­si­ble num­ber of screenshots

By default, the num­ber of screen­shots is limi­t­ed to 20 after firm­ware ver­si­on 1.9 (older ver­si­ons 10 pos­si­ble screen­shots). They are saved on inter­nal dri­ve N1 in fol­der “screen­shots”. The 21. shot you take over­wri­te the first and so one.
If you are an inten­se user of this func­tion you can take up to 100 screen­shots with this modification.
Becau­se this is using dri­ve space at the inter­nal N1, you might be limi­t­ed using the trace func­tion. It takes time to load and is not very neat when you open the screen­shot over­view at > Set­tings > Screen­shots. It is much easier to work on at the com­pu­ter with editing. The pic­tures are quick­ly trans­fer­red using USB.

Plea­se chan­ge the line

in file cantouch.propery.options.xml at dri­ve N1 accor­ding to your needs. The num­ber mark­ed in pur­ple can be bet­ween 10 and 100 and repre­sent the maxi­mum num­bers of screen­shots befo­re the first will be overwritten.

As of soft­ware ver­si­on 2.3, this is part of the project.

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Article last edited on Article first published on
2018/​07/​06 2017/​01/​03