Rating file – adjust rating thres­holds individually

The rating file allows a set­ting of the rating thres­holds of the CAN­touch. You use this file to deter­mi­ne which CAN­touch mea­su­red values out­put a war­ning or an error. It can be stored sepa­ra­te­ly for each pro­ject, so that adapt­a­ti­on to dif­fe­rent con­di­ti­ons in the sys­tems is possible.

The name of the file is cantouch.property.rating.xml. It can be edi­ted with any text edi­tor. (e.g. Notepad++)The sto­rage loca­ti­on is the main direc­to­ry of the respec­ti­ve pro­ject. CANtouch:\Projects\MyProject. If the­re is no cor­re­spon­din­gly named file in the pro­ject, pre­de­fi­ned default values are used in the firm­ware. Incor­rect ent­ries in the file are igno­red and repla­ced by default values pre­de­fi­ned in the firm­ware. Vol­ta­ges are given in mil­li­volts (1000mV = 1V). Resis­tance values are given in mil­liohms (1000mOhm = 1Ohm). Upper” stands for an upper limit, “Lower” for the lower limit. “War­ning” is the thres­hold abo­ve which a yel­low smi­ley is dis­play­ed. From the thres­hold “Fault” the red smi­ley is displayed.

Now let’s look at the con­tents of the stan­dard file (Screen­shot Notepad++):

In line 05 the set­tings begin with the rating for the bus­load. Line 06 con­ta­ins the num­ber of error frames per second. The values for the edges in lines 18 and 19 repre­sent 64ths of the bit time.
Some cus­to­mers do not want a yel­low smi­ley rating. In this case, the thres­holds for war­ning and fault can be set to the same value. This leads to the imme­dia­te dis­play of a red smi­ley from the spe­ci­fied limit.

The dis­play of the adjus­ted thres­holds is pos­si­ble via the smi­leys. A com­ple­te over­view can be obtai­ned for each pro­ject via >Set­tings, sec­tion Pro­ject >Rating

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Article last edited on Article first published on
2019/​04/​23 2019/​04/​17