CANtouch does not recognize the baud rate
The CANtouch is normally using only baud rates that are given in the standards of the different bus systems.
You are using baud rates that vary from these standards. The CANtouch does not recognize this.
Please check your firmware version first. You must have a version > 1.89 to use the following function.
If necessary update your firmware first.
Connect the CANtouch at your PC using USB. Drive N1 will show up in Explorer.
Edit file using a text editor (notepad for instance) the line
and replace the “0” by a “1”. Save the file. After disconnecting the USB all baud rates can be used.
If you need a special baud rate, which is uncommon, then please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Attention! This FAQ is only valid for firmware versions up to and including 2.20.