Trig­ge­ring a digi­tal sto­rage oscil­lo­scope with the CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2

The CBT2 access­ories include a small cir­cuit board for con­nec­ting the sam­ple lines of an oscil­lo­scope to the sam­ple port of the CBT2. Use this cir­cuit board and two chan­nels of the DSO to dis­play the CAN signals. In addi­ti­on, con­nect the trig­ger out­put of the CBT2 to the trig­ger input of your oscil­lo­scope using the trig­ger line supplied.

Now start the mea­su­re­ment of a par­ti­ci­pant or the online trig­ger. As soon as the par­ti­ci­pant is mea­su­red in the CBT2, the oscil­lo­scope is also trig­ge­red by the CBT2. The dis­play of the signals appears on the oscilloscope.

probe adapter circuit board CBT2 DSO with probes

pro­be adap­ter cir­cuit board CBT2 DSO with probes

probe adapter circuit board CBT2 DSO

pro­be adap­ter cir­cuit board CBT2 DSO

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