CANopen pro­to­col moni­tor vs. CANopen bus system

CANopen pro­to­col monitor

The CANopen pro­to­col moni­tor (recei­ve) recei­ves, decodes and shows, which mes­sa­ges are trans­por­ted on the bus. Exten­si­ve fil­ter func­tion­a­li­ty makes the search for cer­tain mes­sa­ges easier.


pro­to­col moni­tor CANopen

If you not only want to recei­ve but actively send, you need the licen­se of pro­to­col moni­tor CAN (send/​receive) additionally.


Bus sys­tem CANopen

With a licen­se of bus sys­tem CANopen, you make your work easier at phy­si­cal lay­er measurement.

If you choo­se the bus sys­tem CAN while mea­su­ring in a CANopen net­work (for ins­tance becau­se you don’t have a licen­se for bus sys­tem CANopen), the sta­ti­on scan lists all mes­sa­ges ID’s that are trans­mit­ted on the bus. May­be it shows a lot of ID’s, which only be sent by a few nodes.
With a licen­se for bus sys­tem CANopen (if you choo­se this bus sys­tem in the soft­ware), the sta­ti­on scan sorts not after mes­sa­ge ID but after Node-ID. The­r­e­fo­re only the nodes that are real­ly pre­sent in the bus (1…127) are shown. It is, the­r­e­fo­re, easier to keep the overview.


Teilnehmerscan mit eingestellten Bussystem CAN in einem CANopen-Netzwerk

sta­ti­on scan in a CANopen net­work with CAN chosen

Teilnehmerscan mit eingestellten Bussystem CANopen in einem CANopen-Netzwerk

sta­ti­on scan in a CANopen net­work with CANopen chosen

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Article last edited on Article first published on
2018/​07/​06 2017/​05/​23