Pro­blems with the USB con­nec­tion on the CBT2

Errors that occur can have the fol­lo­wing effects, among others:

  • The node list only par­ti­al­ly created
  • Uncon­trol­led ter­mi­na­ti­on of measurements
  • Pro­to­col moni­tor stops
  • Tes­ter dis­ap­pears from the sta­tus bar and is reco­gni­zed short­ly afterward

With the key com­bi­na­ti­on Ctrl-Alt‑O, you can open the debug win­dow. You may find hints for a faul­ty USB con­nec­tion the­re. Typi­cal error mes­sa­ges are:

[USB] Main - Command-Laenge ungueltig, Size = 1, SizeInv = 65535
[USB] Main - Command-CRC-Fehler, CID = 0x02, CRC = 0x0103, Size = 0

USB con­nec­tion pro­blems bet­ween PC and CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 can have various causes.

Plea­se check the tes­ter with ano­ther USB cable. The ori­gi­nal USB cable from the case is a high qua­li­ty cer­ti­fied cable. Low-cost cables from dis­coun­ters can­not replace it.
USB exten­si­ons can cau­se pro­blems and should gene­ral­ly avoid.
If pos­si­ble, test the CBT2 on ano­ther com­pu­ter. If the pro­blems do not occur the­re, you must look for a solu­ti­on at the pro­ble­ma­tic machi­ne. For exam­p­le, try a dif­fe­rent USB port or con­nect a USB hub bet­ween the com­pu­ter and the tester.
Timing pro­blems in the gal­va­nic iso­la­ti­on of the USB port in con­nec­tion with older soft­ware ver­si­ons led to sta­bi­li­ty pro­blems of the USB con­nec­tion. Plea­se use a soft­ware ver­si­on from with a modi­fied timing of the USB connection.

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Article last edited on Article first published on
2020/​07/​21 2020/​07/​21