Deco­ding SAE J1939 Cus­tom PGNs

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, some manu­fac­tu­r­ers use Cus­tom PGNs that can­not be decoded from the stan­dard. If you have such PGNs in your net­work, “unknown” is dis­play­ed ins­tead of decoding.

Howe­ver, you can add your own data­ba­se to the data­ba­se of CAN­vi­si­on and the CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 pro­to­col monitor.

You will find the fol­lo­wing in the directory

CAN­vi­si­on: C:\Program Files (x86)\GEMAC Chem­nitz GmbH\CANvision\J1939

CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2: C:\Program Files (x86)\GEMAC Chem­nitz GmbH\CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 v4.8\J1939

the file J1939_EditedDatabase_Template.jdbx.

It con­ta­ins examp­les for coding SPN’s and PGN’s and the docu­men­ta­ti­on you can use to make your own ent­ries. It would help if you had a text edi­tor like Note­pad++ for this.

To import the data­ba­se, you have to spe­ci­fy the path to the data­ba­se in the SAE-J1939 win­dow of CAN­vi­si­on or the pro­to­col moni­tor under > Extras > Set­tings. The file is then impor­ted and dis­play­ed how many PGNs, SPNs, and ENUMs have been impor­ted. In case of an error during the import, plea­se check the syn­tax of the file.

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