Fieldbus blog

The ten CAN commandments

The ten com­mandments for CAN paint important basics for hitch-free bus running.
iot, industry 4.0, cloud

IoT, Indus­try 4.0, Cloud

How a tool of the GEMAC was far ahead of its time.

Com­mon mode vol­ta­ge, Ground shift

Expl­ana­ti­on how com­mon mode vol­ta­ge come into being and what to do that it is not get­ting too big.
CAN-Bus Tester GT3 - Test now!


The smart and intui­ti­ve mobi­le dia­gno­stic device for phy­si­cal and logi­cal layers.


Pro­to­col ana­ly­sis tools as if made from one piece.
CANalarm Diagnosestecker


The cle­ver dia­gno­sis tool for logi­cal bus analysis.

CAN‑Bus Tes­ter 2

The clas­sic mea­su­re­ment tool for phy­si­cal and logi­cal lay­er analysis.