New soft­ware ver­si­ons for CAN­touch and CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2

Detec­tion of swap­ped CAN lines

Logo CANtouch Schein

Soft­ware Ver­si­on 2.42

Logo CAN-Bus Tester Schein

Soft­ware Ver­si­on

The new soft­ware ver­si­ons have an impro­ve­ment of the bus sta­tus indi­ca­ti­on. The bus sta­tus LED now has six sta­tes, in addi­ti­on, red flas­hing indi­ca­tes an inter­ch­an­ged con­nec­tion of the CAN_​H and CAN_​L wires.
This sim­pli­fies trou­ble­shoo­ting and hand­ling of the mea­su­ring devices, espe­ci­al­ly in sys­tems whe­re the wires are indi­vi­du­al­ly rou­ted and clam­ped. Incor­rect­ly wired cables are thus easi­ly detec­ted, even faul­ty pre­fa­bri­ca­ted cables can be iden­ti­fied wit­hout leng­thy troubleshooting.

As a remin­der of the pos­si­ble sta­tes of the bus sta­tus LED, a look into the manual:

Dif­fe­ren­ti­al vol­ta­ge in the for­bidden ran­ge 0.5V … 0.9V.
Bus sta­tic domi­nant (no level chan­ge detec­ted on the bus within the mea­su­ring time of one second); diff. vol­ta­ge grea­ter than 0.9V).

CAN_​H & CAN_​L swap­ped or mis­con­nec­ted. A nega­ti­ve level chan­ge or a sta­tic nega­ti­ve vol­ta­ge was detected.
Bus sta­tic reces­si­ve (no level chan­ge detec­ted on the bus within the mea­su­ring time of one second); diff. vol­ta­ge less than 0.5V, bus idle).
Level chan­ge but no CAN tele­gram detec­ted on the bus. Make sure that the baud rate is set correctly.
Valid CAN frames detec­ted on the bus.

Febru­ary 2021

Logo CAN-Bus Tester Schein