New soft­ware ver­si­ons for CAN­touch, CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2, CAN­vi­si­on and CANalarm

Logo CANtouch Schein

Soft­ware Ver­si­on 2.2

App “Node Measurement”

After this app has alre­a­dy been upgraded con­sider­a­b­ly in the last ver­si­on with pre­de­fi­ned nodes lists, important enhance­ments have been added this time as well. It is now pos­si­ble to add nodes manu­al­ly to the acti­ve list and name them direct­ly in the CAN­touch via an alpha­nu­me­ric keyboard.

The bar over­view has been exten­ded by a new view. By pres­sing and hol­ding down the but­ton for a second, you enter a mode in which the per­cen­ta­ge com­po­si­ti­on of the qua­li­ty values is dis­play­ed gra­phi­cal­ly and in tabu­lar form. This can be used for trou­ble­shoo­ting to quick­ly iden­ti­fy the cau­ses of problems.

The oscil­lo­scope view now also shows the deco­ding of 29-bit-exten­ded ID’s, so far the dis­play was limi­t­ed to 11-bit-stan­dard ID’s.

App “Pro­to­col Monitor”

The pro­to­col moni­tor can­not only send indi­vi­du­al mes­sa­ges but also sequen­ces. The­se lists of con­se­cu­ti­ve CAN mes­sa­ges with a free­ly defi­nable time delay can be ente­red and named direct­ly in the device. In the case of indi­vi­du­al mes­sa­ges, you are free to assign names or dis­play the data bytes in the list. Cycli­cal sequen­ces are also pos­si­ble, with wai­ting time and num­ber of repe­ti­ti­ons (or infinite).

In addi­ti­on, trans­mis­si­on lists can be crea­ted very con­ve­ni­ent­ly in the CAN­vi­si­on or in the pro­to­col moni­tor of the CBT2 and impor­ted into the CANtouch.

Touch /​Scroll

The beha­vi­or of the user inter­face has been chan­ged and fur­ther appro­xi­ma­ted to the beha­vi­or of com­mon smart­phones so that a more intui­ti­ve input is possible.

Logo CAN-Bus Tester ScheinSoft­ware Ver­si­on 4.6.7

The import of CAN­touch mea­su­re­ments has been exten­ded. Here, too, the­re is now an exten­ded view of the bar chart in which the com­po­si­ti­on of the qua­li­ty level is shown.

Exten­ded iden­ti­fiers are dis­play­ed in the oscil­lo­gram (par­ti­ci­pant mea­su­re­ment and online trigger).

Our popu­lar pro­to­col moni­tor inte­gra­ted in the soft­ware has been exten­si­ve­ly expan­ded. Sin­ce this is iden­ti­cal to the CAN­vi­si­on pro­to­col moni­tor, plea­se refer to the next sec­tion CANvision.

Logo CANvision ScheinSoft­ware Ver­si­on 1.2.6

Our pro­to­col moni­tor has been updated with some fun­da­men­tal improvements.

In the CAN trans­mis­si­on win­dow the input was chan­ged. The tele­gram type can now be sel­ec­ted via but­tons (EXT, RTR, FD, BRS). Data con­tents can also be ente­red via a dia­lo­gue box. This beca­me neces­sa­ry sin­ce up to 64 data bytes can be trans­fer­red and the­se can­not be repre­sen­ted in a sin­gle line as befo­re. In addi­ti­on, sequen­ces and indi­vi­du­al mes­sa­ges from this ver­si­on onwards are dis­play­ed in a sin­gle list. Sequen­ces were given the pos­si­bi­li­ty of cyclic transmission.

The recei­ve win­dows have been revi­sed and signal the respec­ti­ve tele­gram type graphically.
The raw data of alre­a­dy decoded mes­sa­ges (sym­bo­lic deco­ding, CANopen, J1939) can be dis­play­ed additionally.
Sta­tis­ti­cal data for rela­ti­ve time stamps are dis­play­ed in a tooltip.
Fil­ter func­tions have been opti­mi­zed and trace data from the CAN­touch can be impor­ted into the CANopen and SAE J1939 decoders.

Impro­ved deco­ding of block trans­fer data in the CANopen window.

Logo CANalarm ScheinSoft­ware Ver­si­on 1.3.4

The CANalarm can now also be used with the spe­cial baud rates 200 kBit/​s and 400 kBit/​s.

Octo­ber 2017