New soft­ware ver­si­on 2.38 for CANtouch

Logo CANtouch ScheinAdvan­ced auto­ma­tic rating

With the new soft­ware ver­si­on, the CAN­touch can auto­ma­ti­cal­ly rate all mea­su­red values. When a new pro­ject is crea­ted, an exten­ded rating file is crea­ted. All mea­su­red values now equip­ped with limit rates for war­ning and error. All limits can be acti­va­ted /​deac­ti­va­ted.

App Bus­load

- Lower limit rates for the rating of the busload

App Bus voltages

- Limit values for rating the CAN sup­p­ly voltage

App Bus wiring

- Limit values for cable length rating
– Limit values for rating the loop resis­tance CAN_​H/​L
– Limit values for rating the loop resis­tance V+/V-

Impro­ve­ment of the App Busload

The Bus Load app now sepa­ra­te­ly rates the cur­rent mea­su­red value and the min/​max values with one smi­ley each. Bes­i­des, it is now pos­si­ble to defi­ne a lower limit here.

Novem­ber 2019