CAN­touch Soft­ware Ver­si­on 2.0

The soft­ware for our Fieldbus dia­gno­stic devices gets con­stant­ly impro­ved. Not least becau­se we get valuable hints and sug­ges­ti­ons from our cus­to­mers they have been grown to real­ly powerful tools. Within this last update the app “Node Mea­su­re­ment” was chan­ged and extended.

Pre-defi­ned node lists

With pre-defi­ned node lists, you are able to defi­ne who­le machi­nes. This fea­ture is for a final inspec­tion and for ser­vice tech­ni­ci­ans, who have to mea­su­re iden­ti­cal­ly built machi­nes again and again. For ins­tance, it is pos­si­ble to pre-defi­ne all series of excava­tors of a manu­fac­tu­rer in the­se lists. The ser­vice tech­ni­ci­an choo­ses the cor­re­spon­ding list (for ins­tance the respec­ti­ve excava­tor series) and the names and ID’s of the nodes are shown instant­ly on screen. Such a one time defi­ned list is clea­rer and the­r­e­fo­re easier to hand­le than lists whe­re all names are “CAN mes­sa­ge” or ” CANopen node”. Also, the order of the nodes can be defined.

The pos­si­bi­li­ty to name the nodes makes it easier to trou­ble­shoot. One has not to read the docu­men­ta­ti­on to know, which node has ID 18A, the CAN­touch shows cle­ar­ly the ent­ry­’s names even while measuring.

With a pre-defi­ned list, it is easier to reco­gni­ze miss­ing nodes. Within a not working machi­ne, all other nodes can work pro­per­ly. The miss­ing node will of cour­se not come up on node scan, the­r­e­fo­re you get no indi­ca­ti­on of the problem.
When the miss­ing node is in a pre-defi­ned list, the mea­su­re­ment goes into time­out when it does­n’t find mes­sa­ges from it. So you instant­ly get an indi­ca­ti­on for the error at the first measurement.

Plea­se also read this artic­le within our FAQ about how to defi­ne and use the­se lists.

Easier ope­ra­ti­on and more clarity

Ano­ther impro­ve­ment was imple­men­ted in the sin­gle node mea­su­re­ment. It is now pos­si­ble to chan­ge the mea­su­red node while mea­su­ring. The­r­e­fo­re it is no lon­ger neces­sa­ry to press Stop-Switch-Start.

The name of the cho­sen node is shown while mea­su­ring if it is given in the pre-defi­ned list. This also appli­es to the All-Node-Mea­su­re­ment screen.

Bus sta­tus screen

Also, the CAN­touch gets like the CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 the high­ly accu­ra­te dis­play of Bus Traf­fic Load with tenths of a per­cent. Detec­ted CAN-frames are shown with a symbol.

Dezem­ber 2016


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