CAN­vi­si­on pro­to­col moni­tor

CANvision protocol monitorStarter-Set
CANvision protocol monitorStarter-Set
CANvision protocol monitorStarter-Set

CAN­vi­si­on pro­to­col moni­tor

Model Num­ber: PR-22570 – 00
powerful pro­to­coll ana­ly­sis tools
At least one licen­se is requi­red for meaningful pro­duc­ti­ve use.
Plea­se choo­se at least one license.
Cli­ent CAN send/​receive licen­se (+€500,00 per item)
Cli­ent CANopen recei­ve licen­se (+€400,00 per item)
Cli­ent SAE J1939 recei­ve licen­se (+€400,00 per item)
Maxi­mum quan­ti­ty exceeded
Mini­mum purcha­se amount of 0 is required
Maxi­mum purcha­se amount of 0 is allowed
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Cate­go­ries: fieldbus dia­gno­sis
  • Descrip­ti­on
  • Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons
The CAN­vi­si­on pro­to­col moni­tor is a powerful soft­ware tool for deve­lo­ping, com­mis­sio­ning, test­ing and ser­vicing CAN net­works. The modu­lar base con­cept accor­ding to the client/​server prin­ci­ple enables simp­le hand­ling and good expan­da­bili­ty.
The star­ter set con­ta­ins manu­al and a USB licen­se don­gle on which all cli­ent licen­ses can be unlo­cked. The soft­ware can be tes­ted wit­hout a don­gle, but the run­time is limi­t­ed and saving is not pos­si­ble. All you need to do to test the soft­ware is to down­load and install it.
At least one licen­se is requi­red for meaningful pro­duc­ti­ve use.
Win­dows Soft­ware, useable in the­se Win­dows ver­si­ons: Micro­soft Win­dows® 10, 8.1, 7, Vis­ta (32/​64 Bit), Win­dows® XP Hard­ware requi­re­ment: min. 512 MB RAM and 2,0 GHz CPU a free USB-slot (Hard­ware-Don­gle) Sup­port­ed CAN-Hard­ware/In­ter­faces GEMAC: CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 IXXAT: VCI (z.B. USB-to-CAN) PEAK: PCAN (z.B. PCAN-USB) Vec­tor XL (z.B. VN1600, CANboardXL)