CAN­touch cus­to­mi­zed baud rate

€250,00 Exclu­ding VAT
€297,50 Inclu­ding VAT
CANtouch customized baud rate

CAN­touch cus­to­mi­zed baud rate

€250,00 Exclu­ding VAT
€297,50 Inclu­ding VAT
Model Num­ber: 3128741
CAN­touch, Cus­to­mi­zed baud rate
Plea­se spe­ci­fiy the dis
Plea­se put in your desi­red baud rate here.
Maxi­mum quan­ti­ty exceeded
Mini­mum purcha­se amount of 0 is required
Maxi­mum purcha­se amount of 0 is allowed
Your Pri­ce: €250,00
A one-time pri­ce of €250,00 will be added to your order.
Cate­go­ries: soft­ware-licen­ces
  • Descrip­ti­on
CAN­touch, Cus­to­mi­zed baud rate