IoT, Indus­try 4.0, Cloud

In the­se times not­hing more cha­rac­te­ri­ze indus­try press artic­les than the­se 3 phra­ses. Blank asto­nish­ment comes up while rea­ding the­se eupho­ric strung tog­e­ther coin­a­ges, pre­ten­ding a new age. Pro­fes­sio­nal mar­ket­ers are on the road in dro­ves, to fill up the­se non-words with some sen­se. Use­l­ess or not – engi­neers deve­lop devices with net­work capa­bi­li­ty almost categorically.

While the first eupho­ria is fading away, we have to ask, what real­ly is behind the con­cept. Which bene­fits are the­re at the end of the day, how much do we have to pay and how do we bring this hype into some pro­fi­ta­ble? The owners and share­hol­ders want to see a pro­fit, just to be in the media is too litt­le. Short term rising pri­ces only lea­ding to dis­il­lu­si­on when the pri­ce falls deeper than before.

The more and more incre­asing inter­con­nec­tion will be inex­orable. Ever­y­ti­me and ever­y­whe­re we want to be up-to-date, want to have access to more and more data from every point of the world. But more often than not, things are not that new as peo­p­le insist it would. For ins­tance, cloud-com­pu­ting is the­re from the begin­ning of net­works. Data was saved cen­tral­ly for a long time to have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to work tog­e­ther. Data is stored in data­ba­ses to abs­tract and com­pu­te them in dif­fe­rent applications.

But the­re are more than a few worries. Which con­clu­si­ons can be made from a com­pa­nies data hos­ted some­whe­re on the inter­net? How safe are the­se data, which per­sons real­ly have access to it? Quite often the­re are no distinct ans­wers to this ques­ti­ons. To cal­cu­la­te the real risk is har­der than one wants to admit to oneself.

Not­hing new

While all this is sold as big news, GEMAC deve­lo­ped a Fieldbus dia­gno­stic device that fit into the world of indus­try 4.0, long befo­re this term was born. Moni­to­ring a CAN bus on the phy­si­cal lay­er, online available, pol­led from your con­trol sta­ti­on sys­tem, the­re rateable and pre­sen­ta­ble. The CAN­ob­ser­ver has it’s own web ser­ver, to dis­play its data. No con­nec­tion to a con­trol sta­ti­on sys­tem is requi­red but pos­si­ble over SNMP. Aler­ting can be done by email. To set up the sys­tem no expen­si­ve ren­ted – but still not wit­hout a doubt – the ser­ver is nee­ded. Your smart­phone will tell.

If you need it to be con­nec­ted to an exter­nal ser­ver and moni­tor your Fieldbus with world­wi­de access, it is pos­si­ble with CAN­ob­ser­ver. The lin­king can be done over the built-in-web­ser­ver or while direct­ly pol­ling mea­su­red data over SNMP.

The CAN­ob­ser­ver allows you to do pre­dic­ti­ve main­ten­an­ce. Becau­se also a CAN bus is aging by time, it is a wea­ring part. This is not only for sys­tems with abra­si­ve rings or drag chains, plugs alo­ne are enough poten­ti­al source of dis­tur­ban­ce, to some­day tem­per delight about a system.


Back on indus­try 4.0, the inter­net of things and clouds the­re, do it whe­re it pays and set on the “cle­ver Dick” CAN­ob­ser­ver as your relent­less assistant: hig­her uptime and lon­ger run­ning time are the delights for the operator.

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