GEMAC Aca­de­my: CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 Bootcamp

CAN (Con­trol­ler Area Net­work) is a stan­dar­di­zed bus sys­tem that enables com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­ween elec­tro­nic con­trol units.

CAN bus sys­tems func­tion like the ner­vous sys­tem in the human body. Just as the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem con­nects the parts of the body, in a mobi­le machi­ne the CAN bus con­nects the con­trol units. Through this wiring, all com­pon­ents are thus lin­ked via a com­mon data network.

Learn more about

  • the wide ran­ge of func­tions of the CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2,
  • the dif­fe­rent set­tings and mea­su­re­ments and
  • you will recei­ve tips for suc­cessful troubleshooting.
GEMAC Academy: CAN-Bus Tester 2 Bootcamp