CAN-Bus Tester 2 & CANtouch show you the error
GEMAC - Your Partner for IFD Intensive Fieldbus Diagnostic
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GEMAC Academy - CAN bus basics
GEMAC Academy - CANtouch Bootcamp
GEMAC Academy - CAN-Bus Tester 2 Bootcamp

The world of exten­ded fieldbus diagnostics.

Intro­duc­tion, sup­port direct­ly from the manu­fac­tu­rer and direct orde­ring opti­ons for the GEMAC fieldbus dia­gno­stic devices

The GEMAC fieldbus dia­gno­stic devices do not only mea­su­re on pro­to­col level but also go deep into the phy­si­cal lay­ers. With their exten­si­ve dia­gno­stic func­tions for both bus phy­sics and pro­to­col ana­ly­sis, they help to detect pro­blems in a bus more easi­ly, to check the qua­li­ty of actua­tors and sen­sors more relia­bly and to get your fieldbus instal­la­ti­on up and run­ning quick­ly (again). With sup­port for the CAN, CANopen, Device­N­et, and SAE J1939 bus sys­tems, they can be used in many areas.