Soft­ware­up­dates 08/​2019

The soft­ware of the CAN-Bus Tes­ter 2 gets a small update with some bug fixes. The ver­si­on num­ber increa­ses to

The CAN­vi­si­on pro­to­col moni­tor now sup­ports Kva­ser CAN and CAN FD inter­faces and Ixxat CAN and CAN FD inter­faces with VCI4.0. The bit timing set­tings for CAN-FD have been slight­ly revi­sed. The cal­cu­la­ted stan­dard devia­ti­on of the sta­tis­tics dis­play now resol­ves in nanoseconds.

fieldbus know­ledge

Eva­lua­te bus load

Eva­lua­ting the bus load on a CAN bus sounds simp­le at first. But the­re are a few things to con­sider befo­re dra­wing conclusions.

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Fieldbus dia­gno­sis